Friday, January 4, 2008

you should have went to china i here they give out babies like free ipods there

shit son! first post after having this thing for like how many months, guess i was waiting for the best time and for me to have some gooooood to say
but tonight's the night or should say morning, and why is that, well i'm well bloody happy havent been this happy since well school let out for x-mas break.
now why am i happy well not too long ago i came home from going to the movies alone, oh yes flying solo is the way i slide now (apparently) so i go and buy a ticket for Juno but sneak into Sweeney Todd instead first,
holy fucking shit!!! that movie is soo genius, my hero Burton and Depp have done it again, like i wanna live on that set and give me Mrs. Lovette's (Helena Bonham-Carter) clothes immediatly, easily EASILY my favorite musical ever!
i must say a couple time when Johnny sang i got all nostalgic to the Cry-Baby days *sigh* even if he didnt sing in those films, still great shit though
The singing by everyone was marvelous, the costumes were genius, acting was woah, and the best the cinematography, just blew my fucking mind to pieces
definitly go and see it

Now Juno, please don't make me spaz again cause i will go on forever, i swear im totally part of the Juno cult now, this is everything plus amazing, i just loved everything everything everything about it.
the screenplay by Diablo Cody was fucking genius like every and i mean every line was genius and im not just saying that, look at the title of this posts, nice.
the actors, now ive been a big fan of Ellen Page for some time now and i just fucking love her even more now (yeah i swear alot ignore it), Juno is easily one of my favorite characters of all time, she's can be one of my heroes now.Michael Cera well who doesnt love the lad, since falling in love with Arrested Developpement, it has been nothing but love between me and that boy
and everyone else was amazing aswell, i can go on and on.
just man i have to go see both again very very very soon please!!

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