Thursday, March 6, 2008

don't care to pretend that i slept with an angel

ok so i'm in serious need of some new clothes, im not your average chick who spends money on clothes i guess i just like my movies and music wayyyyyy too much but whatever i need some new shit ESP. some new trousers, like i swear to fuck i wear the same black drainpipes everybleedingday, i wear them to work and out, not to school cause i have to wear a school uniform with these horrid dress pants GAG!!!
anyways i must thank H&M AND Madonna for those pants haha yeah they're Madonna pants, my mother bought them for me they were on sale for 20$ doesn't get any better and they are the best pair of pants i've ever owned.

now im on the lookout for some new ones, im going to the mall and of course heading to H&M cause that's the only clothes store i can find shit in at square one, im not leaving without a pair of drainpipes
and i'm also in desperate and i mean desperate need of a black and red flanel shirt i want one sooo bad i think i've bite my lip so hard it's bleeding that's how much i want one.
so im on a mad lookout for one.

but im defenitely not walking out of that fucking mall wihtout a pair of pants at least and hopefully a rad top or something, and i need some shoes,.... im not a shoe person but lately i've been feeling as though i should buy a new pair...hmm

listening to : asmodai by tac poum systeme

1 comment:

Alanahhh said...

i'm horrible with clothes shopping! i always tell myself to save up so i can actually buy some new clothes and i spend it all on vinyl instead. haha.
i do buy dresses quite often second hand but i really do need to buy some new pants, i too seemingly wear the same black drainpipes on a daily basis. i shop mostly second hand i think i buy a NEW item like three times a year haha.