Sunday, February 3, 2008

i'm gonna drink up your milkshake

holy shit!! i saw 'There Will Be Blood' last night and i keep telling everyone it was one of the BEST films i've ever seen!!! Everything about it was genius, the acting was more than superb, the scenery/cinematography was brilliant, the EVERYTHING WAS AMAZING!!! It was 2 hours and 38 minutes of pure amazingness and not once did i get bored, it didn't even feel like 2 hours, i say next saturday i must go see it again, and not with my sister who doesnt understand true art (jeez i can be a bit of a art damaged intellectual whore so people will have to DEAL WITH IT!).
I highly recommend you go see it and don't be surprised if the theatre is filled with mostly adults, it most definely will be, my sister and i were one of the very very few teens there (counting there was probably only us and three 13 year boys with their mother/babysitter who knows) seems like teenagers these days rather go see shit like Meet The Spartans which i was forced to see (more like sneak into before we saw National Treasure 2) last week and it just happened to be THE WORST film my eyes have ever witnessed

Gallows on tuesday!!!!!

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